Mike Fromm (NRL) alerted us to what could be the first Northern Hemisphere PyroCumulonimbus event of 2013, in the Chita region of Russia southeast of Lake Baikal (along the Russia/Mongolia border). McIDAS images of MTSAT-2 0.68 µm visible channel data (above; click image to play animation) showed the development of the pyroCb at the center of the images around 06:32 UTC.
A 250-meter resolution Aqua MODIS true-color image at 05:37 UTC (below; courtesy of NASA LANCE Worldview) showed the fire region just as capping cumulus were beginning to form.
MTSAT-2 3.74 µm shortwave IR images (below; click image to play animation) revealed a large number of fire “hot spots” (dark black pixels) due to widespred fire activity across the region.