The West Fork Fire continued to burn on June 26, 2013 in South Central Colorado. This fire had its origins three weeks earlier on June 5, 2013. GOES-13 0.63 micrometer visible imagery (above, left panel; click image to play) show a smoke plume erupting from the mountain fire during the early afternoon hours of the 26th. After the smoke plume is evident, a large pyrocumulonimbus forms over the hotspot and drifts south-southeastward along the mean flow. Also, GOES-13 3.9 micrometer shortwave IR imagery (above, right panel; click image to play) showed a well defined hot spot before the formation and growth of the pyrocumulonimbus cloud.
Corresponding GOES-13 10.7 micrometer longwave IR imagery (below; click image to play) showed the development of a pyrocumulonimbus cloud during the late afternoon hours of June 26, 2013. This animation showed cloud tops reaching -60 degrees Celsius during the peak of the pyrocumulonimbus growth.