On 21 June one pyroCb formed in Colorado. GOES-15 detected the smoke plume and pyroCb cloud, as well as the fire hot spot. The pyroCb (49.9 N 106.6W) occurred at around 22:00 UTC . Starting at 21:00 UTC on 21 June, the animation below shows visible (.63 μm) on the left and shortwave IR (3.9 μm) on the right (click image to play animation). In the shortwave IR images the red pixels indicate very hot IR brightness temperatures exhibited by the fire source region.
In addition, using GOES-15 10.7 μm IR channel the cloud-top IR brightness temperature could be found. The animation below, starting at 22:00 UTC on 21 June, shows the brightness temperature for the pyroCu was ~ -40.4ºC around 22:15 UTC (dark blue color enhancement).