Category Archives: Canada

Multiple pyroCb events in Canada’s Northwest Territories

A comparison of 375-meter resolution Suomi NPP VIIRS 0.64 µm visible, 3.74 µm shortwave IR, and 11.45 µm IR images at 2125 UTC on 30 May 2015 (above) showed widespread smoke plumes and “hot spots” (yellow to red to black enhancement) from wildfires that were burning across far western portions of Canada’s Northwest Territories and […]

PyroCb continue in Saskatchewan and Alberta

This fires became active again on 25 May 2015 and produced some pyrocumulus clouds. The first pyroCb was  in Saskatchewan near the eastern border (56.23º N, 109.82º W), and the second in western Alberta (54.85º N, 110.38º W). This was detected by GOES-15 0.63 μm visible channel and 3.9 microns shortwave IR Channel (see the below image […]

PyroCb in British Columbia

On 25 May 2015 there were reported two  pyroCbs at 59.3 N 132.6 W. The first was around 23:00 UTC on 25 May. The second was around 1:00 UTC on 26 May 2015. According to Whitehorse and Fort Nelson soundings the later pyroCb reached 11 to 12 km. GOES 15 detects the pyroCbs at visible (.63 […]

PyroCb in Saskatchewan and Alberta

There were two notable pyrocumulus clouds that developed on 22 May 2015 in western Canada: the first in Saskatchewan near the eastern border (56.23º N, 109.82º W), and the second in western Alberta (54.85º N, 110.38º W). The fire in Alberta produced a pyroCb, and covered an area of roughly 200 square kilometers with flames only […]

PyroCb by Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories

On August 5, 2014 one of the fires surrounding the Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories, Canada produced a pyroCb detected by GOES-15 0.63 µm visible channel and 3.9 µm shortwave IR channel images (above; click image to play animation) around 20:00 UTC located near 60.5º North and 115º West, then rapidly drifting west as it develops.  At that […]